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Exercising on a regular basis should signify good health. But, what if it does not? In a new study by scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, it was seen that regular exercise could backfire and lead to increased heart disease risk for roughly 10% of people.

For the trial, the team inspected data from 6 exercise-related studies. All factors like blood pressure levels, cholesterol and fasting glucose proportions were taken note of. The team was looking for adverse responses in the subjects.

As per the results, the number of individuals manifesting negative outcomes accounted for 8.4% in terms of fasting insulin and 12.2% for systolic blood pressure. People showing adverse results approximated to 10.4% with respect to triglycerides and 13.3% for high cholesterol.

However, people encountering multiple adverse responses were apparently at greater risk of experiencing negative outcomes, as compared to those with a single response. The aforesaid results were independent of variables like age, background, fitness, gender, the kind of exercise, use of medications and so on.

One thing to understand from this analysis reported in the journal PLoS One, is that the benefits of exercise seemingly surpass its potential risks by a large margin. The adverse reactions to exercise are applicable for a cluster of people, especially those living a sedentary lifestyle.

Almost, every other study we see talks about the benefits of exercise. Workout sessions supposedly help maintain cardiovascular fitness and keep the mind active. Recently, physical activity was cited to ease arthritis pain during winters too.