McMaster University It’s a common belief that those who lift heavy weights in the gym have more muscle size. If the following article is to be believed, then this could just be a myth. A recent study commenced by the McMaster University suggests utilization of lighter weights to display a similar degree of muscle building than heavy weights. The real ingredient of boosting muscle size probably is the pumping of iron until an individual reaches muscle fatigue.

It may not be important to lift heavy weights but it is vital that the body reaches muscular fatigue for building muscle. In the course of the study, light weights presenting a percentage of what the participants could lift were put to use. While heavier weights were set to 90% of a person’s best lift, light weights were at not more than 30% of what people could lift. It was ascertained that in the 90-80% range people can lift 5-10 times before fatigue is witnessed. On the other hand, at 30% participants were able to lift that weight at least 24 times before they reported fatigue.

Stuart Phillips, lead author and the associate professor of kinesiology at McMaster University, alleged, “Rather than grunting and straining to lift heavy weights, you can grab something much lighter but you have to lift it until you can’t lift it anymore. We’re convinced that growing muscle means stimulating your muscle to make new muscle proteins, a process in the body that over time accumulates into bigger muscles.”

It was revealed that new data have practical importance for gym enthusiasts. The data seems to be more relevant for people with inadequate skeletal muscle mass such as the elderly, cancer patients or those recovering from trauma, surgery or even stroke.

The study is published in the Public Library of Science (PLoS).