sexy woman wearing heels Women and shoes – a mystical bond; one completing the other. Finally, after all those reports thrown at women about the down side of high heels, this study is definitely a breath of fresh air. Researchers in Italy have found that walking around in high heels enhances a woman’s pelvic floor muscles. And everyone knows how these muscles add the oomph to one’s sex life.

Lead researcher Dr. Maria Cerruto said “Women often have difficulty in carrying out the right exercises for the pelvic zone and wearing heels could be the solution. It’s good to know they have potential health benefits,”

The study considered 66 women all under the age of 50 and found that those who held their foot at an angle of 15 degrees to the ground had a posture as good as those wearing flats. They also found that these women showed a lot less electric activity in their pelvic muscles which is essential to the female body.

The research also showed that while wearing heels the muscles were at a perfect position that improved their strength and ability to contract.

Gill Brooks, a women’s health physiotherapist, made sure our hopes didn’t sky rocket saying that the study did not suggest stilettos to be a good thing especially for those keen on improving their pelvic floor function. As for women who prefer medium sized heels, this study was reassuring. Brooks however continues to assert the need for regular exercise to maintain the pelvic floor muscles.