Omega 3 oil tabletsThe Omega-3 fatty acids have been known to be good for health since long, however a report in the June issue of Archives of Opthamology has finally confirmed it. The greatest advantage of the Omega-3 fatty acids is that they prevent the age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

The people consuming a diet rich in the Omega-3 fatty acids will be doing a great job for their eyes. AMD is a condition of the eyes where the thinning and degeneration of inner lining of the eyes occur, blinding the elderly.

The Omega-3 fatty acids are reported to slow the rate of progression of AMD according to the study that was a review of 90,000 participants over the period of 12 years. The research was conducted by researchers belonging various international ocular research organisations like the Centre for Eye Research Australia; Centre for Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology; University of Melbourne, Melbourne; Singapore Eye Research Institute; Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore; Cancer Epidemiology Center, Cancer Council of Victoria.
Consuming Omega-3 sources like fish such as tuna, salmon, trout and sardines can reduce the risk of AMD by 38 percent. Although there have been studies linking the beneficial fatty acids and AMD, the recent one seems to be the first meta-analysis considering Omega-3 fatty acids as the rescuer from the age-related macular degeneration., the site providing customers with macular degeneration vitamins has therefore come up with a special Omega-3 fatty acid supplement – VisiVite Premier Ocular Formula No. 2 that contains long-chain fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid) (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
The ocular health experts at already produce eye care supplements rich in Omega-3s. VisiVite Premier Ocular Formula No. 2 contains the long-chain fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid) (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). VisiVite claims to produce the formula that is based on the findings of National Eye Institute’s AREDS 2 study. These findings are scheduled to be released in 2012.