Happy Kids

A seed if properly nourished with adequate water, fertilizers and essentials grows to spread a cloud of greenery. Humans are no different. With this feature on 8 health tips for children, we plan to tackle important nuances occurring prematurely in life. Childhood is both a fun as well as a critical phase. While innocence is at an all time high, it is also the most influential period of a person’s life. This is where the right influences will do wonders for kids. Whining parents can take a look at these 8 health tips for children that will help the child embrace their early lives with utmost enthusiasm.

Healthy routine – Every mother you meet, may have at least one issue pertaining to their child’s routine. Maintaining proper hygiene is one of the primary ways to keep health problems at bay. Apart from the basics, right time of eating and sleeping are also important. Also, introduce the habit of exercising in your child’s everyday life right from the start. A simple morning walk or jogging may also help. Do not expose them to a lot of junk and processed food.

Recreation – With video games and social networking sites ensnaring children into their addictive aura, parents must note that children must be given time for free play as well. We are just familiarized by the English journal of play that underlines the importance of outdoor play. Not only will they will feel rejuvenated but they may become more active both physically and mentally. Hits and bruises are only natural which ought to be attended at the earliest and are to be taken sportingly rather than making a fuss about it.

Positivity – Keep a positive air around your kids. Family problems and other disturbances may affect the child emotionally and invite host of other difficulties. Talk to children if they are encountering any sort of fights and disturbances in schools. We are familiar with many studies which suggest that childhood adversity is deemed to affect life in adulthood too. Though some family problems are inevitable, try and keep our child occupied in some or the other activity.

Build friendship – In other words, talk to the child. Make the kid interactive and let him give his views. Children love talking, and if you listen to them, they will be your best friends for life. Having an open-minded approach with children will break the ice and the child will speak its heart out. Introverted kids tend to keep things in their mind which could finally show its dreaded repercussion sooner or later.

Avoid smoking in front of them – We recently saw a study which said that exposure to second hand smoke tends to have many long term effects. Also, children are known to follow the footsteps of their immediate surroundings. They may quickly pick up these habits paving the path to future illnesses. This applies to any negative attribute that you as a parent may possess. Aggressive parents may instill such attitudes in children too.

Keep a check on your child’s online activities – Ensure that the child uses the internet for the right purposes. With objectionable links popping up every now and then, the child may innocently run over these links and later become a prey to them. This doesn’t mean you hover around every activity of the child, instead encourage children to research important data on the internet which will imbibe in them a hunger for learning.

Participation – Try to make the children participate in discussions, debates and games in school. Such events flood the minds of children with thrill and boost their self confidence. These platforms will bring out the kid’s potential in the true sense. Every child is unique. Enroll them in good classes and activities be it martial arts, dance, singing or just about anything the child wishes to do. These are all hallmarks of good mental health and character.

Avoid excessive pampering – This is one area where most parents go wrong. Excessive loving that means giving the child before he or she even asks for something will develop a sense of omnipotence in them. They may start taking everyone for granted and become excessively cranky for petty reasons. Let your affection show at the right time, when what the child needs is a genuine hug. Play the role of a parent and do not let children dictate you like a child.

Every parent wants their child to be the best and they undoubtedly are the most priceless possessions for them. These simple 8 health tips for children will help them fix each piece of childhood perfectly into the jigsaw puzzle of life.