University Of Western AustraliaThis piece of news could be grave importance to kidney patients. A study author from the University of Western Australia’s School of Medicine and Pharmacology Royal Perth Hospital Unit, Dr Doris Chan, claimed that patients suffering from kidney disease appeared to have defects in their blood fat metabolism which could be associated with an augmented risk of heart disease.

The study apparently found that elevated blood fat levels may be connected to increased threat of developing heart disease. It could also deteriorate further owing to the resistance of tissues to insulin action and central obesity.

Dr Chan believes that augmented blood fat levels might arise either due to increased generation and/or reduced crash of apolipoprotein B, which are proteins that can apparently bear blood fat in the flow.

The study author observed the generation and collapse of apolipoprotein B in individuals suffering from kidney disease who were not centrally obese and appeared to have a comparable measure of insulin resistance. Dr Chan supposedly discovered that subjects going through preliminary kidney disease are thought to have a major shortcoming in their capability to break down apolipoprotein B without raising its production. This could result in additional blood fat concentration.

Dr. Chan mentioned that strategies to stop the breakdown of these apolipoproteins may lead to improved and more effective management of abnormal blood fat metabolism and potentially reduce the risk of heart disease in this high risk population.

The study was published in the Journal of Lipid Research.