Man Smiling And Logo The quote, ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ may be heard several times in one’s lifetime and is indeed true. A recent study from the University of Leeds claims that laughter is the best antidote for venous leg ulcers. It was suggested that a simple laughter is much affordable, easier to deliver and works well than the traditional methods of nursing care.

At the time of the study, investigators focused on ‘hard to heal’ ulcers that were not cleared up after six months or longer. Patients from across the UK and Ireland were subjected to ultrasound along with the standard approach to care, known as dressings and compression therapy. No difference in recover speed and reduction in the chances of getting the ulcers back were registered.

“The ‘healing energy’ of low-dose ultrasound can make a difference to some medical conditions but with venous leg ulcers, this is simply not the case. The key to care with this group of patients is to stimulate blood flow back up the legs to the heart. The best way to do that is with compression bandages and support stockings – not ‘magic wands’ – coupled with advice on diet and exercise. Believe it or not, having a really hearty chuckle can help too. This is because laughing gets the diaphragm moving and this plays a vital part in moving blood around the body,” said Professor Andrea Nelson from the University of Leeds’ School of Healthcare, who led the study.

However, laughter seemingly accelerated the speed of healing because laughing gets the diaphragm moving. This in turn helps the blood to move throughout the body. The study findings apparently have great significance in the health terrain.

The study is published online in advance of publication in the British Medical Journal and Health Technology Assessment.