No Bugs bitesIf you are an outdoor kind of person, you may be used to being inflicted with a number of bites from bugs and mosquitoes alike. If you cannot bear the mosquito bites and cannot stop itching, read on.

  • Apply the juice from the leaves of the lycium shrub directly onto the bite. The juice helps to prevent scarring and will speed up the healing.
  • Place a cucumber peel onto the bite area, it will calm the skin and relieve the itchiness.
  • Wipe some cider vinegar on skin before going outdoors, its a natural bug repellent.
  • Swipe the skin with a dab of lavender essential oil, apply a few times a day to reduce swelling.
  • Witch hazel wiped onto bite will stop the irritation.
  • Calamine lotion is an old time remedy. Apply lotion directly onto bite to soothe the skin.
  • Put a cold compress or washcloth on bite to cool skin and get rid of the itchiness.
  • Prevent the critters from biting you in the first place by wearing a dryer sheet on your belt loop.
  • You can make your own repellent by mixing a 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil with 3/4 cup of water. Put into a spray bottle. Spray onto skin.
  • Mix 3 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 drops of tea tree oil, apply directly on bite marks to reduce swelling and scarring
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