Connected Nation's LogoIf you don’t have a broadband connection at your home then better get one because it make you healthy! Does it sound weird? Well, atleast the broad band has proved to be useful from the health point of view, in case of Kentuckians, really!

Connected Nation’s survey has revealed that internet has improved the user’s quality of life. The reason cited behind this is the availability of healthcare applications on the internet.
Health improvement in case of Kentuckians is a major point to be noted since the state has often been noted to have a relatively unhealthy population. The broadband connectivity helped the people at Kentucky look for healthcare information when they turned to Internet for help.

Around 11,000 Kentuckians representing each of Kentucky’s 120 counties were surveyed and it has been estimated that the broadband subscribership in Kentucky has grown by 100 percent which is an impressive and extraordinary increase as compared to the national growth rate.

The survey by Connected Nation, a non-profit organisation, named as ‘Online and In Touch’ also found that:

  • Residents with broadband are 53% more likely to use the Internet for healthcare applications than the state average.
  • Subscribers of all income levels take advantage of online healthcare resources when broadband is available in the home.
  • 72% of broadband subscribers who obtain healthcare information online agree that broadband has empowered them to become healthier.
  • Broadband subscribers who say they became healthier report savings on average of $217 per person.
  • The findings are a part of Connected Nation’s third installment of the six-part Online and In Touch comprehensive research series that show up the Kentucky technology trends as assessed by ConnectKentucky’s 2007 Kentucky Technology Assessment. The survey covers the advancement in use of technology and broadband like in eGovernment services, Employment Trends, Online Healthcare, Impact of Online Healthcare and Telework.

    All in all, the Online and In touch series of survey highlights the use of computers, the Internet and technology in general. The complete study on the broadband’s impact on healthcare in Kentucky is available on