If you make up plans to hit the gym but somehow tend to ditch those, then blame your fingers for the lack of motivation! Bizarre as it may sound; researchers have found a direct link between the lengths of the digits and the person’s desire to exercise.

fingers, weights

A joint study was conducted on 1,000 white mice which revealed a strong association between the mice’s length of the digits and the voluntary exercise and the prenatal stress hormone.

Yes, also included in the thread of common links are the prenatal stress hormones. These hormones are responsible for inherent desire for physical activity.

“The research shows a link, or relationship, between the brain, behavior and personality traits and the shape of the hand,” lead researcher Peter Hurd of the University of Alberta said in a statement. “It opens the door to the notion that aspects of one’s personality, in this case the desire to exercise, are fixed very early in life”.

The mice were divided in two different groups, one of which was the selectively bred mice and the controlled set of mice. The former sect was the most active one which also hinted at the significance of stress hormones.

The report by the researchers at the University of Alberta and University of California-Riverside has been published in the PLoS.