Elderly Man Thinking Diagnosing prostate cancer may have now become simpler, thanks to the following piece of information. A recent study initiated by the University of Bristol has supposedly identified potential new biomarkers for very early prostate cancer in men with no symptoms of the disease. Levels of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) were investigated.

Both the growth factors, IGFs and IGFBPs are known to control normal growth, development of organs and tissues during foetal development and childhood. The levels of these factors were measured in men whose cancer was detected through PSA screening. Throughout the study, 2,686 men with prostate cancer were compared with 2,766 men without cancer. Experts claim to have laid hands on specific growth factors (IGF-II) and proteins (IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3) that were all related to a heightened risk of prostate cancer. But no association in growth factor (IGF-1) levels and a higher risk of prostate cancer appeared.

Dr. Mari-Anne Rowlands, study author from the University of Bristol, and colleagues will trigger further investigations for ascertaining whether levels of the found biomarkers anticipate which prostate cancers detected by screening might progress to become life-threatening. Also factors such as diet and lifestyle will be considered for declining chances of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The study was presented at the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) conference.