A surprising revelation from the Parkinsons disease (PD) front seems to have come to light. According to scientists at Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, patients with Parkinson’s disease may experience effects of brain stimulation almost a decade after their operations. The brain stimulation period usually take place while receiving brain implants.
The analyst found that such patients apparently showed improvement in motor function although some initial part of it vanished due to cumulative loss of benefit in other functionalities. Initial studies have shown that deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) as a treatment for PD ought to be beneficial and safe. Also, scientists believe that stimulating the portion of the brain responsible for motor function may cease motor problems and enhance the overall quality of life.
“The motor improvement induced by STN stimulation has been reported to be sustained for up to five to eight years after surgery, although part of the initial benefit progressively deteriorates, mainly because of worsening axial signs. To date, studies with postoperative follow-up for longer than eight years are lacking,†commented Anna Castrioto, M.D., from the Università degli Studi di Perugia.
The study involved 18 participants suffering from advanced stages of PD and who received DBS implants for their condition between 1996 and 2000. Their motors were monitored before implantation and then followed after 1, 5 and 10 years. The recordings were videotaped. The video content was gauged for tests with therapy or with stimulation, none of them or both taken together. At the end of each session, the dosages and medicines given to patients were noted.
The trial conducted at 10 years showed that the combined effect of medication and STN-DBS was apparently linked to improved motor, resting and action tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity points. There seemed to be substantial decrease in points for medication and no medication conditions, movement control, motor alterations and the levadopa-equivalent daily dose when compared to the median score.
Nevertheless, axial symptom like posture, gait, and balance seemingly presented steady lessening of stimulation and medicinal reaction. The authors conclude that the findings promote STN stimulation in patients with advanced PD that improves the motor function up to 10 years.
The study is published online in the Archives of Neurology, one of theJAMA/Archives journals.