4Cakes, biscuits and cookies

Cakes and for that matter, most baked goods like cookies and muffins, could be high in cholesterol. Though they can be consumed once a while, it is not advisable for people who have heart problems. One of the ingredients in mass produced foodstuffs like this, is hydrogenated vegetable oils which are terrible for your health.

French fries and other deep fried foods

If you’re the kind of person who steps into McDonald’s just to have a serving of steaming hot fries, then please do rethink this particular habit. French fries, as the name suggests, are deep fried in vegetable oils that are high in trans fat and bad cholesterol. Most fried foods use such oils and so they fall into the restricted section for those trying to bring down their cholesterol.

French fries

Yes, we do agree that the forbidden fruit is sweeter. But health ought to be our priority above all. There are plenty of foods that if consumed in moderation tend to reduce most problems. The aforesaid list of 8 high cholesterol foods to avoid is a reminder for all those who consume such foodstuffs without a second thought. A healthy heart paves the path to a rejuvenated body. So do not ignore such guidelines and move towards a healthy life.
