Spoon of Salt British researchers held a study and found that there is no link between salt and heart disease. This study kills any theory which states that salt can cause strokes and cardiovascular problems.

Dr. Joel Dunning, lead researcher in the study, stated that “The evidence that salt is bad for you is non-existent. The fact that some foods such as crisps or pizza have a high salt content is no reason not to eat them. It will make no difference to your health or to how long you live.”

They made their conclusion after studying 462 research papers from around the world.

They found it impossible to find any link between salt and heart disease due to a “lack of adequately powered randomized trials or observational studies conducted with sufficient rigor.”

They did state though that cutting down salt intake could benefit those with high blood pressure.

The findings have been published in the Journal of Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery.