Dr. Jacek Mostwin There are a lot of facts and information on a lot of cancers published and updated regularly on the internet, newspapers, magazines and through all the relevant and possible mediums. Dr. Jacek Mostwin has finally given some facts that you need to know about the risk factors of prostate cancer in the recent issue of ‘The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin’. The facts in his research are divided under the categories age, race, and family history, lifestyle and diet as these have been ascertained to be the influential factors in the development of the disease.

Contradictory to previous reports and information which related smoking, vasectomy, presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) meaning enlarged prostate, alcohol have not been determined as the risk factors in the bulletin. However binge drinking alcohol can at times be the cause.

The report which is based on increasing evidences does determine uptaking of fat, being overweight, physical inactivity as few of the key factors.

As per the report,

  • 1. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with the increase in age. Age is particularly a key factor in prostate cancer than any other type of cancer. Age groups of 65-70 are usually found to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and death in this case can occur when the person reaches 77-80 years of age.
  • 2. Unbelievable but true, race too plays a role in having the tendency to develop the disease. As in the case of US it has been estimated that incidence of prostate cancer in black men is highest at 137 per 1,00,000, while 101 out of every 1,00,000 white men contract the disease which is the second highest with Asian American at the lowest with the rate of 20 to 47 per 100,000.
  • 3. Hereditary is a more worrisome issue in prostate cancer than in breast or colon cancer. If a person’s brother or father (first-degree relative) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the chance of the person developing the disease is doubled while in case of uncle or grandfather (second-degree relative) the chances are smaller. This also suggests genes and gene mutations as a cause.
  • 4. Similar to race, the incidence of prostate cancer differs with the difference in geographical location. After studying demographics extensively, the role of environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, or exposure to certain substances or forces has also come to light.
  • 5. Fat intake, especially the animal fat or high calorie fat foods is directly variable to mortality rate in case of prostate cancer. The comparison between fat intake in America and Japan provides evidence for this. The comparison shows that fat makes up 30-40% of the American diet unlike Japan where it is just 15%. This also explains the difference in the mortality rates in America and Japan.
  • While factors other than lifestyle cannot be avoided it is suggested that those suspected of having higher risks change their lifestyles to cut the chances of developing prostate cancer in the report. The factors have been elaborated in ‘The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin’ which is a quarterly released publication on prostate health.