
More and more studies are unleashing the positive side of weight loss surgeries and the last one we heard about revealed the role played by them in controlling blood sugar levels. This new report by scientists from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg has disclosed that bariatric surgeries may reduce the risk of cardioavascular events.

This trial is part of the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study where 2010 obese individuals who experienced bariatric surgeries and 2037 age-matched controls were followed for a span of 14.7 years on an average.

The analysis was conducted from September 1, 1987 to January 31, 2001 across 25 public surgical departments and 489 primary health care centers in Sweden. The age-group of participants was between 37 and 60 years and the BMI figure was a minimum of 34 in men and 38 in women.

About 13.2% subjects underwent gastric bypass, while the others 18.7% received banding and almost 68.1% were exposed to vertical banded gastroplasty. Detailed examination of records and cross checking was done to gauge the link between bariatric surgery, weight loss and cardiovascular events.

As per the results, bariatric surgery was apparently linked to lower number of deaths due to cardiac events. This link did not seem to be present in the control group. Cardiovascular events such as stroke or myocardial infarction were low in volunteers who underwent surgery than those who did not.

The team concluded that obese individuals undergoing bariatric surgeries supposedly faced fewer instances of cardiovascular events and death thereafter. The study is published in JAMA.