
While most of us are enlightened on the benefits of gastric bypass surgeries, we do not know much about the nuances involved in the gastric banding procedure. A study conducted by scientists from the Chablais Hospital in Aigle has claimed gastric bypass to be more beneficial than banding for weight loss.

As part of the study, almost 442 patients with the same age, sex and BMI below 50, were examined. By means of a common bariatric surgeon, two forms of treatment namely Laparoscopic Gastric banding (GB) or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) were performed on the patients.

A follow-up was conducted at the conclusion of the study period almost 6 years post operation. Early morbidity rate seemed to be higher in RYGBP cases, while major morbidity was similar for both GB and the latter.

Moreover, weight loss was swifter and the amount of kilos shed appeared to be higher in patients who experienced RYGBP. Notably, the lost pounds remained consistent till the onset of the sixth year after surgery.

On the other hand, there was a reversal in weight outcomes for patients who underwent GB as many of them failed to lose weight. Also, GB necessitated further reoperations for the subjects along with development of long-term complications.

Interestingly, the comorbidities appeared to improve more post RYGBP, as compared to GB. This study is published in the January 16 issue of the journal, Archives of Surgery.