Doing Domestic Chores A new study has linked light intensity physical activity, like washing dishes, ironing and other routine domestic or occupational tasks with lower blood glucose levels along with confirming that a sedentary lifestyle is associated with high blood glucose levels.

High glucose levels are a precursor to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The study was conducted by a team of researchers including Genevieve Healy and Professor David Dunstan at The University of Queensland and Melbourne’s International Diabetes Institute.

As part of the study, researchers measured the glucose levels and daily activities over a week of 173 men and women who were recruited from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab).

Researchers used accelerometers to measure the intensity, frequency and duration of the activities. They found that even light physical activity could help to avoid chronic disease.

‘This research suggests that there are also real benefits from reducing sedentary time and increasing the time spent on normal daily activities,’ Dunstan said.

The research points out to a preventive strategy that might be more achievable for people who are at risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but are not exercise conscious.