Women are infamous for their non-stop talks but a pregnant lady, atleast now, can ask her friend to hang-up if she wants to enjoy two benefits – first and the most important, giving birth to a healthy baby; second, temporary peace to the ears, mouth and mind.

According to a study conducted by doctors from UCLA and Aarhus University in Denmark and published in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, pregnant moms can increase the risk of their unborn developing emotional and psychological disorders even before going to kindergarten. The side-effects of constant talking on the phone have been described as “not much lower than the risk to children’s health from tobacco or alcohol” by previous studies as well.

13,159 women who had their children in the late 1990s in Denmark were studied, which revealed that the use of mobile phones 2-3 times a day led to behavioral disorders. One more finding says that children who themselves used mobile phones before the age of seven and their mothers used the mobiles while pregnant have 80% more chances of suffering from hyperactivity and emotional difficulties. Women who used their phones regularly increased the risk of their children having troubled relationships due to unfit psychology by 54% even before they reached school.

The disorders in this case can even turn out to be more serious as compared to the teens and youngsters who weren’t hooked to phones at all.

However doctors say that there is no need to panic as “this study in its current form fails to link a direct cause and effect between cell phone use in learning disabilities in children. What you have in the study is an epidemomology survey where the use of cell phones seem to be more frequent in women whose children have learning disabilities,” explains Dr. Manny Alvarez, managing health editor for FOXNews.com.

The study however does not clarify whether other risk factors like alcohol, smoking, toxic or unhealthy food, environmental factors, whether the ladies studied are working moms or not, etc.; are excluded or included while making the report. University of California Los Angeles professor Leeka Kheifets who did not support mobile phones as the cause of troubles, does not blame mobile phone radiations to problems in the foetus but says there is a link between the two. “There is still no data available yet that has measured the radiation exposure to the acutal fetus from the cell phone,” says Alvarez.

But mobile phones atleast alter the levels of melatonin, a sleep-controlling hormone which is passed on from mothers to the foetus via placenta, according to previous researches.

So ladies, whether there’s an important business call or just another entertainment filled gossip, its time to remain disconnected and change from a smart lady to a smart mom. After all who wants delinquent children!?