Goodnight Sleep Trainer Device Every new parent goes through those stressful days when your baby just won’t stop crying and go to sleep. Some parents panic and even get anxious when they can’t think of any way to lull their infant to sleep. With little success many parents must have exhausted themselves by reading various books and downloaded a bulk of information from the internet with the hope of knowing exactly how to get their child to sleep peacefully at night. However a device has recently been developed which boasts of helping new parents to get their little bundle of joy to sleep. 4Moms, a company out of Pittsburgh, PA, has created a lightweight device for this purpose.

The Goodnight Sleep Trainer device, through its timer, keeps a track of the amount of time that the child has cried, and lets the parents know the right time to try to comfort and get their baby to sleep. 4Moms, with the help of Dr. Jim Tucker, a pediatrician, has developed this device to aid stressful new parents in handling this situation tactfully.

Dr. Tucker says that the process of sleep training includes maintaining a balance between permitting the child to cry and comforting the child and putting it to sleep. The child has to be allowed to cry so that they can learn how to sooth and get themselves to sleep; also parental support is required so that the child feels comforted and relaxes to sleep.

The Goodnight Sleep Trainer contains various features like, audio alarm, visual alert, USB connector, LCD display, Power Indicator, Digital Clock, cordless operation for hands-free usage and alarm among others.

Dr. Tucker says that the Goodnight Sleep Trainer is a device which contains approximately all the knowledge required for putting one’s child to sleep. He recommends new parents to make use of this simple and easy to use device for getting their babies to sleep.