Joel Friedman And Logo Scientists seem to be working really hard at developing novel means in providing the essential care to traumatized patients who undergo a hemorrhagic shock. Experts from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University suggest that nanoparticles containing nitric oxide (NO) can improve survival after life-threatening blood loss. The newly introduced nanoparticle therapy is predicted to help a wide number of people across the world.

During the investigation, the nanomedicine was infused into the bloodstream of hamsters. These tiny particles commonly named as nanoparticles apparently helped maintain blood circulation and safeguard vital organs. Hemorrhagic shock is known to be a fatal condition that may be treated by infusing refrigerated blood and other fluids. However, such treatments appear limited to emergency rooms or trauma centers. The developed nanoparticle therapy, on the other hand, is light in weight, compact and doesn’t require refrigeration. When nanoparticles with NO are infused into the bloodstream, they probably battle against hemorrhagic shock by elevating the body’s levels of NO gas.

It is believed that NO gas relaxes blood vessels and controls blood pressure. When NO-containing nanoparticles were added to saline solution and infused into the animals, a gradual release in a sustained dose of NO to tissues was registered. Joel Friedman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of physiology and medicine and of the Young Men’s Division Chair in Physiology at Einstein and colleagues successfully tested the nanomedicine in hamsters that had lost half their blood volume. It was concluded that nanoparticles offer better cardiac stability, stronger blood flow to tissues and other measures of hemorrhagic shock recovery, than controls receiving saline solution without the nanoparticles.

The research was published in the February 21 online edition of the journal Resuscitation.