Drexel University Logo As per the National Institute of Mental Health, one in four Americans suffers from an anxiety disorder. Apparently most professionals are unable to deliver appropriate non-medication treatments and high-quality treatment is often unavailable. Scientists from the Drexel University have now offered a unique home video conferencing technique that can help treat several patients suffering from anxiety disorders.

Videoconferencing technologies can seemingly fasten treatment availability to those who otherwise don’t have access to psychological help. Investigators also examined the effectiveness and feasibility of videoconferencing treatment as a user-friendly and low-cost option for people seeking psychological counseling. A program was designed to treat individuals with OCD through Skype.

Programs like Skype appear extremely useful for individuals who are in need of a highly specialized mental health treatment. Its is presumed that the newly invented program can serve as a novel therapy for treating anxiety disorder patients. Psychology professors and directors of Drexel’s Anxiety Treatment and Research Program Dr. James Herbert and Dr. Evan Forman predict that this method is not only convenient, but also cost-effective.

Home videoconferencing technology may aid in making high quality mental health care services more widely available to people, regardless of geographical location.