ÉPIC Montreal Logo The health world has now figured out a simple and probable way of overcoming obesity. Experts from the Montreal Hearth Institute’s centre for preventive medicine and physical activity (ÉPIC Centre) suggest that a program combining interval training and healthy eating practices can greatly benefit those suffering from obesity. The study findings apparently have major implications in the medical section.

At the time of the study, investigators kept a tab on the record of 62 participants in Kilo‐Actif, a 9‐month program intended for obesity sufferers that focuses on weight loss and maintenance. Remarkable improvements in participants’ body mass, waist circumference, BMI and effort capacity were reported. On average participants reportedly lost 5.5 percent of their body mass, decreased waist circumference by 5.15 percent and increased effort capacity by 15 percent. Apart from weight loss, subjects also registered a 7 percent decline in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an 8 percent increment in good cholesterol (HDL).

“It has been clearly demonstrated that obesity increases the risk of health problems, particularly of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, hypertension and certain types of cancer. A program like Kilo‐Actif, which combines interval training with healthy eating, is therefore perfectly indicated because we know that a decrease in body mass can lower the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease,” added Dr. Martin Juneau, Director of Prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute and Director of ÉPIC Centre.

In the course of the program, volunteers were made to undergo two or three supervised training sessions of 60 minutes each. They were also invited to five face‐to‐face meetings and two group meetings with a dietitian where the basis of the Mediterranean diet and nutritional rules are explained. Kilo‐Actif’s success appears largely due to the adoption of an interval training program. In comparison to moderate‐intensity continuous training, interval training may be more appreciated by participants. This type of training seemingly alternates between short periods of intense effort and rest periods allows for a longer training time.

The study was presented at the National Obesity Summit taking place in Montreal.