3Fruits are naturally gluten free –

With a wide variety of fruits available in the market, you can help yourself to any one you like since they are free of gluten. Do remember that some dietitians frown upon juicing them since this releases their natural sugars into the bloodstream too quickly. Preservatives used in many salad products sold over-the-counter may contain gluten.

So be careful if purchasing pre-cut or canned produce. One big complaint people raise against fruits and vegetables has to do with the amount of  being chemicals used today. Not everyone can afford to buy organic food after all. Many companies sell ‘veggie washes’ which may be added to water before thoroughly rinsing fresh foods to get rid of wax, soil , pesticides and fertilizers.


If you don’t want to or can’t invest in a good veggie wash brand, think about washing fruits in a mixture of one part vinegar and five parts water. For stubborn-looking deposits, clean them in 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon baking soda and 2 liters of lukewarm water. There’s a simpler way for getting rid of waxy coatings.

Some fruits like apples, plums and pears naturally produce a layer of wax to protect themselves from bacterial invasion and loss of moisture. Companies also add food-grade wax to them sometimes. Just dip for 5 seconds in hot water and wipe off with a cloth and rinse again before eating such foods.