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Coming as an important advice to fitness enthusiasts, a report from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has shown that crash dieting may harm heart health. Crash dieting basically involves reducing carbohydrate intake, which is also called Atkins diet.

The team believed that reducing carbohydrate consumption could increase cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol is regarded as a primary cause of heart disease. Diet constituting less carbohydrates and more fat could aid in temporary weight loss, but it may lead to other health problems. Basically, such a diet may increase blood cholesterol levels that may result in heart attacks or other cardiovascular conditions.

Victoria Taylor, BHF Senior Dietitian, cited, “Low carbohydrate and high fat diets have been popular lately. Though they may help you lose weight initially, this may not last and an increase in saturated fat intake can also lead to raised cholesterol levels. If you are trying to lose weight, it’s important to consider the overall balance of your diet. Eating regularly and making sure your meals are balanced and an appropriate portion size is a good place to start.”

Reported in the journal Nutrition, the findings showed that healthy and long term weight loss can only be attained by a balanced diet. Eating foods which comprise all nutrients in adequate proportions is important, the scientists said. Apart from increasing nutrient intakes, engaging in physical activities as well as restricting consumption of fatty foods and sugar-sweetened beverages could help.

Moreover, the investigators believed that slimness may not necessarily be an indicator of good heart health, as other factors like cholesterol and blood pressure levels also come into play.